I wish they had told me; I wish I'd known then what I know now
Often in life, we find ourselves unprepared for certain things or thinking back to a time when we were unprepared and wishing someone had told us something important or that you had already known to do that instead of learning it weeks, months, even years down the road. What is something you have learned that you wish you'd known or been told earlier?
she should have stayed
god told me she was sorry for leaving.
she said it the way parents do
after you’ve gone through rehab twice
and tried to become a ghost.
there is the afterthought of remorse.
an absent chord of love in a song she sang
as a lullaby for children, not citizens
of a world strangled by human hands.
she didn’t experience withdrawal or the
needle piercing parched, freckled skin.
no, she doesn’t know much of us at all -
too busy getting lost in stardust and void.
i don’t think forgiveness is a right and
absence hurts worse than a wrong guide -
but if the stars were done calling her away
i had to tell her to try being a parent again.
sometimes, being there is all it takes.