The Land was Barren, the Sky was Black . . .
The land was barren, the sky was black
no birds, no clouds, no trees
no stars, just the celestial
pall of dark matter, cold of space
no moon, but red
cooked blood is all it was
no sun, but grey
no wind, just pulsating waves
radiation’s silent concussion
no sound, just stillness screaming
the man moved heavy
a lone one of few remaining
trudging through plutonium mist
from a hole he had emerged
like a festered, glowing screwfly
on the decimated earth become
an all encompassing skeletal
hiroshima nightmare,
chernobyl’s chemical desolation,
with mottled glows of utter black’s opague
with shades or radiation’s
hues’ of phantoms’ greys
he wore his mask, to earth’s surface
a solitary radiation castaway
carrying his epidural pen, a feeble ploy
against death’s rems throes, owed
to those beneath,
human moles awaiting scout’s return
within their doomsday shelter
atropine coursed in his veins
beneath his hazmat suit
he shone halogen’s light beam
into the dark, all directions’ circle
could not see but black
his light tried to cut through
as if to pierce a tunnel in coal,
yet the lumens shrank as if afraid
to pierce the pitch
they gave him only scattered
photons at his feet
no solace, all directions blind,
fear’s panic seized, squeezed his throat
aborted path on devastated earth
he wondered why he’d been persuaded
for such a futile quagmire,
a nuclear time had been set
to which he’d been alarmed
minutes to midnight’s atomic clock
and wished instead now vain,
should have shunned in retrospective ire,
have preferred an instant death,
ground zero vaporized
he turned despaired,
fearing direction’s loss, became like lead,
made a pivot back, to a coward’s retreat
to his silo’s womb,
earth vibrated thickly rough
he was knocked down with forceful thud
on radioisotopic ground
ripped his suit, tore his mask
he could not look away,
saw a light far high, like a quasar star;
moving bright across celestial dome,
an arc to reach apogee,
then descended slow
by gravity’s gentle tug to fall
a bursting light of a trillion suns
thermonuclear bomb sent by whom?
triggered by computer glitch,
programmed for this event?
how could man after hell’s exchange
still release another one?
even now in his sordid state
managed to reason’s analyze
months had passed since world war three
he pondered in mortal awe,
what fiend or force, what power could,
for death still thirst,
to send another one
what logic, insanity, credo’s pulse,
uphold to full epidemy,
how many more to come?
as he crawled back to his hollow hole
hell’s gins danced and laughed
upon the lap of shiva’s bloody gun
writhing, whirling, devilish joy,
evil specters mocked and rejoiced
in the black’s eternal void,
of man’s remaining atmosphere
his extermination now complete
they reveled in dirge
of rancid joy, evil din
as another star descended,
slowly lulled by gravity
from its fullest apogee
for another burst
to partake and prolong
the violent rape
of wobbling earth
in her final throes of death