She placed several candles by the lad’s bed. The lad just continued on in his own thoughts & dreams.
A moonbeam landed on the lad’s forehead.
’Ah—’the elderly woman uttered to herself, ‘it’s time.’
A mighty burst of wind came from the lad’s bedroom window & blew out the candles. The woman closed her eyes & when she opened them~ her whole body was ablaze.
‘From the ashes of my spirit’ the woman chanted, ‘now my rebirth shall be continuous for many eons.’
The elderly woman burst into a puff of grey matter & was moved toward the lad. She cackled and then smiled as her clan’s task was completed with her final breath.
After a little while the lad woke up with a start. He yawned & stretched his arms.
When he started drifting back to dreamland, he could not sense that something had taken control over his body. Right before he fully closed his eyes, they had changed from his own natural golden like colour to a dark grey.
7Th June, 2020 (SUNDAE)