Orange ya glad I didn’t say banana?
CHALLENGE: Create new words that rhyme with orange. @Ernaline
Borange — Scale (from 1-10) used to determine how boring oranges are.
Corange — Yellowish, stringy connective tissue in the center of oranges.
Dorange — Hinge that holds a door to the door-jamb.
Forange — Orange from another country.
Gorange — Time it takes Al Gore to explain climate change.
Horange — Range of scariness in a horror movie, ranked 1-10.
Jorange — Bi-pod mammal from the planet Jor.
Korange — Bi-pod mammal from the planet Kor.
Lorange — Where you go when you're sick of working on the Hirange.
Morange — What you order when Lesrange isn't enough.
Norange — What you end up with when your electric range stops working.
Porange — Result when your arrows keep falling short of a target.
Quorange — When you expand the calculation of your Quid Pro Quo.
Rorange — How far you can row upstream in a canoe or rowboat.
Sorange — The number of seeds that you can sow in an hour.
Torange — Distance you can kick a can down the road.
Vorange — Vocal range when singing “Do-Re-Mi” from the “Sound of Music.”
Worange — Distance it takes to slow down a horse by saying, “Whoa!”
Xorange — Proper length of a hug-kiss between two people who are “just friends.”
Zorange — Length of time it takes a group of kids to see all the animals in a zoo.
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