If You Are Here (So Am I)
Heavy looms the evening that ends with sunset’s final rays
for in this eternity of rising and falling
all colors bleed
to black.
Hollow be the glow of stars that burn like embers
for theirs is a death seen from eons away
beneath the endless sea
of space.
I am holding a prayer inside my palms that echoes like a whisper
spoken in a deep and narrow canyon
the meaning clear
even when the words don’t reach.
If the rivers were to stop their roaming
and the clouds were to cease in moving across open sky
I would run to you again
as I have always done.
There is a steadiness here, in the space between your breaths
and I find myself shaping the words I say
around the hollow points
of your shoulders.
I have found a spot between your ribs
where I can rest my head till morning
and hear the beating of our hearts
synchronize to one.
Chaos roams the streets as though she owns them
her long fingers curled around the loose ends of my errant thoughts,
but when your smile lands against my lips,
I no longer know her name.
Wistful is the way I walk beside you
our hands clasped together like the iron rungs of a gate
that will not open, the secrets of our love
held forever within.
I do not fear the last of sunlight’s rays
nor the dead stars or driftless clouds above our heads,
for I am not alone beneath their heavy gaze and I am looking
only at you.