Challenge of the Month XV: June
Revenge Fantasy. Write a revenge fantasy. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
Sonnet for the Soulless
Oh how I long to see you burn in hell,
For all the pain and suffering you caused
You took it all and left me standing there
Alone and broke of all but my own hate
There was never a man who yearned as I
For the sweet feeling of your blood on hand
That may not be washed off by men or gods
For my hate runs deeper than any can feel
But yet I now wish that I had not done
The most awful deed that ever could have been
Oh what I wouldn’t give to have you here
So that I could kill you all again now
Alas for now you are gone but still alive
Through my own vengeful hate and memory