What I think when you don’t answer my call, Baby! (way too much-overthinking kills)
Baby, you don't pick up my call,
Leave my text on seen, why my baby doll?
Are you busy?
Are you with that girl?
Maybe you went with her to Disney.
I know the girl next door is pretty.
Did you go with her on a tour of the city?
Why do you decline
my face time?
Did you go, with her to the mall?
It is bothering me a lot.
Or you're taken by her beauty.
Maybe went on a movie,
And sushi
Or chilling in the Jacuzzi.
Baby, you don't pick up my call,
Leave me on seen why my baby doll?
Or maybe you're in a struggle
What if you're stuck in a jungle?
Or maybe you're kidnapped
What if you're attacked?
Baby, what if they slapped
your cute, soft cheeks.
What if you're trapped
In an elevator, building, or even your house
What if aliens invaded?
Maybe they kidnapped you and took to their planet.
Baby, just pick up my call,
never leave my text on seen baby doll.