The Girl on the Other Side of The Mirror
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Not a Mirror Image
Looking in the mirror is confusing to me.
It flashes an image of someone I thought I knew.
Why can't I see what everyone else sees?
A soft voice and an innocent smile-
The person I wished to be, though seemed to never see.
Or is it that I never saw me like I needed to see?
I never pondered the things that were unseen-my strengths and abilities and talents inside.
Instead I looked in the mirror and held onto my flaws-the imperfections and blemishes
That stared back at me.
Time has passed me by and I now know what's important
To look past the image and deep inside the person
And see the hidden secrets that glare back in the mirror.
And now I do know it's not what you see that counts the most
it's what this girl sees looking back in the mirror.