Hear Me
Sweaty palms, heart pounding, mouth drying, clock ticking, it's too much. Too much to process, too much to say, it's all too much. But once I open my mouth I don't know if it'll be enough, if my words will reach them or not. They all watch from a distance, I won't miss my shot, I can't. This is my only chance. The words come to my head like a steady law that was written long ago but only recently perfected.
"What causes us to move on? What causes us to say we are done with life and then suddenly cling on to it when we're about to lose it? What makes us human? Our compassion? Kindness? Emotions? Feelings? Which is it? Why do we feel the need to hold on to things we'll no longer need after death? Why do we become consumed by money and greed? Why? Why? Why? So many questions and not enough answers." The words flow out of my mouth like a flash flood, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. "We have so many questions, some we'll never be able to answer. With these questions come solutions we have yet to find. People of the world, hear me! How can we let hatred consume us into monsters that criticize and judge others? We need to stop this monster that society has created! It's consuming all of us, one by one. You've felt ashamed when given a judgemental stare but then you'll turn around and do it to someone else! Why? What justifies you to do such a thing that you hate being given? How can you weep over words someone has said to you and then say them to someone else? People of this world, things will never change if we don't change."
They all stare wide-eyed, have I reached them yet? The only thing to do is go on.
"We have polluted the very planet that feeds us, that brings us oxygen and resources, we have hurt each other because of differences such as religions, race, gender, and other things that make us unique. We have left children and others starving, we have created a divide between the rich and poor, we have left citizens of this world homeless. And yet some still deny the iniquities of this world. How can we correct something we ignore? It's simple, we can't! We have failed the very people we were supposed to provide and protect for. So let me ask you, people of the world, how do you think we got here today? Is it because no one regulated these problems a long time ago? Or perhaps is it the fact that no one even considered the possibility that our world is crumbling because of the people we have become today? We have been ignorant, we have ignored the cries of this world for far too long. This is a call for change! A call to put aside our pride and egos, to set down our weapons of war, to love everyone regardless of who they are, to improve our environment, and to contribute to the well being of those less privileged. So, people of the world, I only have one final question. Are you willing to make this change?"