Dear Devils & Friends
When I was a little girl, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have proudly told you I wanted to be the first female president of the United States.
Can you imagine it?
Me, a stout 10 year old with short hair to accent my round face, my cheeks ruddy and flush from the sudden shift of the room, all eyes on me. But I'm not embarrassed of that girl any more. All she ever wanted to do was affect change on the sort of scale that I have right now, the whole world listening, waiting expectantly for something profound. All I really want to ask is a question, is this the best we can all do?
Is this the best that we can do for ourselves?
I know that we could all do a hell of a lot better. I've known ever since I was a little girl that we can do better which is what has inspired me to live my life helping other people. I've seen the worst of the worst in humanity and yet, I know that deep down inside, most people are good. Most people are simply living in a way where they are trying to get their needs met. I'm begging you to wake the fuck up.
We need to be kinder. Kinder to ourselves and to others. It wont be easy, we're all so used to beating ourselves up constantly, but it needs to change. It starts with how we treat ourselves and it ripples outwards, to touch and change the lives of others. Practice speaking to yourself with love, patience, and understanding. You will find that it gets you so much further than being your own harshest critic. When you speak better to yourself you start to speak to others in the same way. The world around you will shift, the energy you give off will change. Your world will become a brighter, more positive place.
Is this the best that we can do for our families?
We need to intentionally appreciate the relationships that we have in our lives and consistently show up as our best selves for those that we love and care about. We need to open our eyes and stop accepting the status quo and second best. We wouldn’t want that for ourselves so why would we give that energy to other people? Especially people that we truly care about? And if you find that you don’t care, change your relationships. Surround yourself with people that you do love, that do raise you up, that continue to color your world with love and light. Care like hell about the people you love. Care like hell about your neighbor and their neighbor and the neighbor that is next to them. Start doing better, start really living your life and you will see that this universe can be the most abundant and magical place.
Is this the best that we can do for our communities?
Listen to one another, and really fucking listen. Be empathetic. Put your Put your phones down and pay attention to what is happening around you. We stop living our life when we get sucked into a screen and the world will pass you by. Talk to people. Understand others. Hear their story. Speak their language. Eat their food. Share their culture. Celebrate the success of others. We only have this one life on this Earth, in this body. Don’t spend your precious energy on being negative, hating everyone around you because they're exactly like you. By tearing others down, you are tearing yourself down. By hating others you only deepen the hatred you have for yourself. We are all one. Start acting like it.
If this message scares you, good. It's meant to.
It is scary to believe that ONLY YOU are in charge of your life. It’s a hard pill to swallow to know that you are 100% in charge of your own happiness and success. You are in charge of your own damn life and its about time you start acting like it. Being a victim of circumstance and of other people is bullshit. From this moment on you decide what happens to you and you take charge of your own damn self because if not you'll be just another unfulfilled robot who lost touch with their soul and will never be able to find their way back.
This is your inner child calling to you.
This is your wake up call for today and all your tomorrows.
The world needs you to live out your fucking purpose and challenge the world that we know for a brighter and better future.