Boys Might As Well Be From Mars (TW: Mention of rape)
Boys might as well be from Mars.
I don't understand them at all.
I haven't talked to many of them
outside of my family members.
I don't get it. I always hear about
heartbreak and violence from boys
but I've never understood why
they would do that.
Boys might as well be from Mars
or is it girls that are from Mars.
You hear all the time how us girls
are being treated like we are lesser.
We are looked at like we are going
to steal the world from the boys
but what I don't think is understood
is we just want to live here too.
Girls might as well be from Mars.
I can't speak for all girls but I know
I feel this way:
We are constantly having our choices taken.
You hear all the time about what girls
were forced to do. You hear and
hear so many stories of rape.
Girls might as well be from Mars.
Apparently, we are not human.
Apparently, our anger doesn't matter.
Apparently, we are just servants.
Girls, get used to being from Mars.