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Ends August 20, 2050 • 463 Entries • Created by Trident
The Fall. In practically every religion, there is a narrative regarding a “Fall”, or “The Fall”. I never genuinely experienced the notion of that. Indeed though I am a Christian, it didn’t occur to me that “The Fall” signified the origin function of the complete scripture. Each pastor I associate with uses “The Fall” as a biblical reference to each infirmity. Awaking one morning, I subsequently conjectured why it remained so relevant. That one aurora was the wakeup omen of all my vulnerable beliefs. It completely originated while I woke up to a phone call. Annoyed, because it remained barely 4 a.m. & I wasn’t scheduled for my alarm ’till 7:30 a.m. I answered abruptly.“Is this Isabella Hunter?” Unenthusiastic, irritable, & exhausted I snarled: “Why are you calling me?” I ought to confess that I was dampened by his distant, penetrating voice. So I softened my voice, not wanting to arouse my mum. “Humankind possesses only 7 spans left ere I terminate it!” He frightened me! Oh, how he frightened me! His wretched call was similar to a transpiring shot with an arrow. Direct, punctured, & shocking! Abruptly, the peculiar man hung up, issuing me with dark, dejected silence...
Genre: Drama/Mystery
Age range: 16+
Word count: 202
Author name: Tatiana McCruel
Why project is a good fit: It grows deep into the idea of the Fall and explores religious tension and inquiry.
Target Audience: Teens/ Y.A.
Platform: N/A
Education: Middle school
Experience: Classes taken on writing
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Age: 13
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@Writetobite310, actually, I am not a Christian. So when you started talking about biblical references, I was curious to find more! I have read a few pages from the Bible though, but never heard of anything like "The fall," so I found it rather interesting!
@Sanjana_S That is pretty cool, because I actually wrote this off of Genesis chapter 3, which should explain a little more about "The Fall", and it's relation to the story.