The time and place of the occurence that happened, is irrelevant. Everyone should just stick to the sides, never to interfere. Right? The answer is no. No, you should.
The time when it happened was unfortunate. It could be night, day - it didn't matter. When it happened, and when we stood by the sides, we were looking.
We, then I mean the whole human race, watched it - watched it happen. Like rats or guinea pigs, we were its test subjects. The sickness.
We were as much a influence as the sickness was the mediator. It didn't do this. In fact, we on the sides did. By contributing nothing, and seemlessly falling in a great panic - god, why are we so stubborn? Pathetic even.
"It's a bat soup!" many would say and many would laugh. It was a joke, mostly by the same people. The sides. However, it could be true.
It most likely was.
It certainly was true.
The soup was the relentless sickness, going in whirlpools. And we, the sides of the bowl.
How about the foundations you ask? What was the ground which the soup stood? You. The same who stood on the sides.
Why couldn't you contribute? The sickness was within reach of destruction. Why would you let it dwell longer? The soup got cold, dirty even. Dirty with plague and angst. "Why won't you end me?" it would cry, "when will I rest?" At last it would blossom. It's use long forgotten. Now, it was a weapon of murder - another tool for the toolshed.
The ones who cried "sick!" were now the causes of them.
Why is it so hard to wear a mask? We've all been wearing one a while - why not another? Why is it so hard to understand?
The air is humid, and humanity is gasping for it. And many times we have wept of the days to last longer. With joy in our hearts, peace within our knitted hands we celebrated. Maybe this sickness isn't all bad? If you think about it... How long has it been since the world united? Our houses locked, our home isolated - to stop it, and not to keep each other away? When did that happen?
The sickness have shown us something. Sure, it's stopping us - dangerous and all. But, think about the good things. The more dead people the less resources we - no, not that.
Think of it more in a bonding sense. Has there ever been a bad soup we couldn't throw away? No. We've dealt with many bad soups before, and you don't see much of them now.
Think of this as well - the sides will learn something too.
Pages will be written about this, like I and many others have already done, this soup will go rolling down the streets of history - the bowl taking it to a halt at last, where it will stop.
So, dear side person. I understand we couldn't contribute directly. When the sickness happened, we thought of it like it was a lesser bad soup than it was. We didn't yet know the ingredients. So when it got bad, it got bad. We watched, and could only watch, as the labrats we were. But at last we took action and oh boy did we grip hard. It sure felt it. Everyone on the sides did contribute at last. And for that I'm happy, and thankful. We don't usually get along, but this showed us we can tackle everything. Together we are strong and yuck - that cliché is overused.
It's healthy to overuse in some aspects, like the security for these coming months. Why? Because we're letting the sickness do as it like. The heat wanting us to come out of our shells, like the hermitcrabs we are.
Please, don't do it. You're making yourself a bigger target for the foul soup. Don't do it. We need to shelter up. It's not fun, I know, but it's necessary.
With everyone eating the bad soup, who's going to be the one to throw it? Is it the last person eating it, or the first to taste it?
You are responsible. You are capable. You are beautiful.
Without you, we'll continue eating the soup.
Without anyone, telling us what's wrong, we'll continue.
But with your help we will manage.
That's why you should interfere. That's why it isn't important when it happened. You stood on the sides, fine, you can change. Now that you have read this, a token of this occurence, of when it happened - will you interfere next time it happens, or will you stand on the sides, a mute bystander, to the things you could stop?