Goddamn Piano
There's this goddamn piano
Pinging in my ears
Playing the same things you said without the tears
Counting off the disappointments
in 4/4 time
The melody could be better
But I can't unhear it
Those sticky notes of overdone sadness
Goddamn pianos everywhere
Cycling through the sad notes
You complained that I was insensitive
Had no capacity for tender feeling
And now here I am, beer gone sour,
being critiqued by a schmaltzy piano ballad
That repeats the same goddamn sounds
It sounds like you
(Maybe that's why I've grown to hate the melody)
The kind of song you'd have written about me
If you had any musical talent whatsoever
All long, sweeping, agonizing notes of depressive complaining
Dramatic bitch that you are
Oi! maestro! Turn it off!
People are trying to drink here!
Goddamn piano
Just like you
Can never let a body sit in peace.