garden Love
you invited me into your secret garden
to pass in only through your secret door
you had the hedges trimmed, the roses flowered
full petals’ blooms
on the foot paths you led
your french maid’s dress leading
your hips accentuating curves of the way
through the honeysuckle bush
that tickled sensuously my cheek
the honeybees buzzing in the sun
alighting their shadows
on the nectar fragrance of your auburn hair
the hummingbird wings breaks the air with flutter
your eyes’ light brightens these many delights
reflecting the sheen of the aqua blue sky
a patch coming through colors your eyes
with spring’s yellow white sun
my heart skips beats; it takes flight
when you proposed we lay on the moss velvet green
you lay there, your naked skin clean
pearled white orbs of your pupils eyes
highlight your pupils hazel; they check me out
as i check in, your feminine lines’ beauty
softly sketched upon my fiery libido
fanned into passion’s flames, warming
michelangelo’s fine sculpted flesh
you lie still, waiting
with mona lisa’s sultry smile drawing me
hot inside the secret parts
of your sweet garden