Bringing back an old fan favorite ...
Pick any letter of the alphabet and write a poem but the catch is ... every word must start with the same letter, and no word starting with the letter can be used more than once This where a dictionary will come in handy. Tag me in the comment section: @Danceinsilence ... as always, I will start this off so if you may be confused or uncertain, come take a look.
Cancel communication command
Criminals commit crime
Cloudless cold cunning condoning
Continuously cultivate circuits confusion
Compilation combustion coercion
Concrete coincidence circumstance corresponding
Compilation complete commonly comply
Critical care comes crashing condemnation
Corrosion cornering crowd
Create crazy cramped company
Calm clueless claims cooperation
Cover covert convert concerned
Concepts concealed controlledÂ
Cancel communication command
Crime compounds consistent conspiracy
Midnightink 8-6-2020