Thank you
(About two months late) I realized that I've been on Prose for a year, so I wanted to write a post to commemorate that and thank some of the people that made all of this so much more amazing.
First off, we have Adin. You have always been really supportive of my writing and you always make me smile with your writing and comments. I enjoy hearing what you have to say about my writing. You have helped me so much and you make me more confident about my writing and myself. Thank you.
Next, we have Ernaline. You are so kind and care about everyone on Prose, not just me :), and you always the first to comment/message and check if I'm okay, which I really appreciate. Thank you.
And then, we have oceanelsie. You are one of the funniest people that I know on Prose, your posts always make me laugh, like your post 'Last Night'. It has been fun writing alongside you and Prose. Thank you.
And of course, Danceinsilence. You are a mentor to so many people on Prose, your helpful posts about where to find things have helped a lot of people (myself included, being here for a year doesn't make me any better at remembering how to use this website...) and always give meaningful and much needed feedback! Thank you.
And now, finally, Mnezz. You encourage and support everybody, and are always so sweet and honest in the comments and give meaningful feedback. You are so passionate about writing and about helping out everyone else on Prose, and it shows. It has been an honor to read your writing and have you return the favor. Thank you.
And to the rest of Prose, I appreciate all of you. Everyone makes this community of writers better (cheesy, yes, I know, but still true) and this is one place where I can be my creative, funny, and weird self without judgement. I can't wait for the coming years, and I'm so glad that I found Prose and all of you guys, or I would have driven myself crazy during quarantine by now.
Thank you.