Reality bites. Does it?
i am flesh
i am bones
i am formed from the dust that blows
i am heart
i am mind
i give life to the thoughts in my mind
i am song
i am art
i am a creation designed to create
Why are we so easily swayed to the voices of others? to find our worth in society's standards?
I have to ask this question. If the noise of the world was silenced, would there be any part of you left? Are you shaped by the voices of others? Or can you move without a nudge and a shove?
The reality though, we are shaped by the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the people we spend time with, the books that we read, social media and so on. Endless factors contribute to making a being. Yet the power to choose what shapes us lies within us.
The pressure to conform is real and not many can swim against the current.
I am Real.
As a knife cuts my hand and I bleed.
A boy hurts my heart and I cry.
I am Human.
I do care what "they" think.
I adopt a habit with ease.
Ah, I have learned about elasticity. There is hope.
He may be a follower.
She may be obsessing.
They may be behaving how they were taught to behave.
We humans are more like sheep, yes?
And if a lie roles of the tongue; is it to please another?
After all, who wants to lose the space they think they belong?
In this robotic age, can we find the genuine?
Oh yes, they are there. Just not the obvious places I presume.