Dear Mother
Mother don't you hear me screaming,
hear my crying, hear my dying.
Of all of the people I love you the most,
but your words cut way too deep,
deeper than the depths of my needs.
You want me to be you, but tell me to be me,
furious about either way it will be.
I obey your orders, but try to grow too,
that's just not possible,
yet you still want me to.
Encouragement and love you preach, prosperity too, indeed.
But to me, it's all a lie,
because you said,
either like me or out you'll be,
And that's simply discouraging to me.
You taught me to take nothing for granted,
but chose to give my life the simplest answers.
Now you're scolding me,
for what you engraved,
like a tattoo, it became what I praised.
Safety is your goal, it's also mine,
except there is no safety at all,
on this planet, all right.
It breaks my heart, to see me break yours,
but there's no solution, that could be used.
Hundreds of rules that I must follow,
no missteps allowed,
that would make us stumble,
making sneaky neighbors peek behind their curtains,
your face would get lost and I am the witness.
Our worlds collide, and words have no meaning,
we say what we mean, but no message will be delivered.
You're important to me,
but you don't understand,
that what you call love, might not be the same for me.