Running For Existence
He could feel the wet stringy grass bellow his feet. He pushed off the ground and tried to give himself more momentum. With all the thoughts in his head, pulling him down and allowing him to stumble, he did not stop running.
Out of all the thoughts in his head, not one told him his destination. he was running an endless path, thinking of nothing but sorrow, and dying without ever living.
The Sun had set and he continued his path. He couldn't remember when he had started, or what day it was or how many hours. Maybe at first, he wished he knew but after now he had no care in knowing, and wished he didn't know anything. Knowledge was the very thing keeping him awake and keeping him in misery. If he could just forget everything, If he had no idea why he was running, he could have something to look forward to or to know. He knew exactly why he was running. So many times he wished he didn't, and so many times he wished he could stand still, rest his eyes and let go of all his knowledge. But no, he must keep running, no choice was involved. He had no choice in anything.
He continued running, which he never stopped, and closed his eyes. He saw the same thing as before, the stars, the moon, the sun. He saw everything there was to see. There was nothing that a human being, reptile, mammal, animal, plant, living or non-living thing, that had experienced something that he had not. Nothing, no one, anything. Only God, Himself knew more than he. He had lived everything. He never stopped.
There was no end, he continued until they had stopped, and he believed that there was no end until he knew. One day, it would stop, and he would stop and fall. He would no longer live and no longer die. Everyone had a beginning and end but he only had the beginning and end of existence.
He wasn't real and didn't have a real purpose except for running. He ran the life of all existence and once nothing existed he would die.
He could never push this thought away but then he stopped. His feet no longer moved and his knowledge became small. He blinked twice and awakened in a bed of blue and green covers.