Let's Make a List
What topics, subject matter and opinions that should not be tolerated on this platform? Please include any objectionable words, phrases, historic or religious references. Also helpful suggestions as how to punish offending authors. $5 for the most complete display of intolerance.
Just a little list
1. Religion
It’s okay to include things about religion, but that doesn’t mean you should force your readers to follow your community.
2. Casteism
You can share some interesting information, while over influence is strictly prohibited.
3. Racism
Remember, we are all humans. Our skeletons look similar when we die. So discrimination on the basis of colour can never be tolerated.
4. Politics
Political discussions are fine, whereas you shall not order whom to vote and whom not to.
5. Gender
Never mock someone with their gender. Live and let live. Being trans isn’t something you should be ashamed of.