You in the Back
We don't talk anymore since I emotionally labotimized myself, I suppose. Sorry.
I get that you're still there, and you're healthy for me. I just don't want to deal with you.
Therefore I'll ignore you until someone else drags you out of me, kicking and screaming, and then I'll quickly banish you back before you vex me again.
I don't have time for you, honestly. I'm trying to survive here. You don't lend yourselves well to survival - well, that angry one of you in the back does, actually, so yard priveleges for you - but the rest of you, let's face it: you're dead weight.
I hate to say that, and I know in these enlightened times it's okay to open up and share your 'feelings' (gag) however if I may point out everybody shares you assholes so there's not exactly a limited supply. Watch, I can find an example with one click - boom, right there. Like ten examples. Everyone's miserable, lonely, depressed, anxious, etc. Ya'll are the flippin' Kardashians of human mentality.
So sorry but I ain't letting you drive this crazy train. If I gotta deal with the shit show that is reality right now I need the movers and the shakers, not the whiners and the bakers. Stay back and wait your turn. Maybe I'll listen at like 4 AM when I can't sleep. Or maybe I'll let you out after I've had a few drinks and I'm in a state where I don't have to function for a few hours.
However soon as boots hit the pavement that's it, ya'll gotta zip it and sit it - don't bug out, don't complain, don't panic, and basically don't make me come back there. You won't like me when I have to come back there. I call out bullshit for breakfast; half of you ain't rational and you know it. You're just looking for negativity like a drama addict with a tragedy problem.
Everyone copacetic? Good. Stay that way.
You, angry kid, tone it down and you can have an alt-beats cookie. You're alright.
<reloads the coffee>