A Verse for the Multiverse Verse
The quietness of early morning
Surrounds the world in a hush...
What is this place, beneath the clutter?
Dear life, held so preciously.
We walked on a smooth hallway of polished wood & there was a slight dip in the floor when we stopped. This was where the event happened every time. A girl in that room was the age of the other teens and over 100 years old.
We looked in & saw her & she was pretty & otherwise normal-looking.
A teacher came out to give me a couple of pointers to help her carry out the deception. It was involved. She had special mouth pieces and attire that nobody else had that maintained the illusion. Quite possibly, she changed sex, too. She acted natural.
On the left of her left leg was a vestigial limb that did not appear. An incantation summoned the change, a long line seemingly of etchings followed by a short addition.
Meanwhile in another of the multiverse, the girl in the room nearest this, a slight rise in the polished wood flooring, was the age of the other teens and only 1 year old.
We looked in & saw & s/he was comely & otherwise normal-looking.
Absolutely, s/he changed sex, too. S/he was a boy in a girl's body but had changed to be a girl in a boy's body. They of course acted natural.
On the right of their right pinkie was a tiny limb that did not appear to anyone but them. The formerly needed digit was a short line seemingly of cave paintings with a spear.
Not knowing the outcome;
Full of dread at the possibilities...
In the quiet hush in early morning
in the surrounded world.