It stinks, as in the smell. You know, two (or more) sweating and moaning persons going at it can get pretty nasty with all that genitalia waving around everywhere.
It is not visually appealing often; parts of it are, don't get me wrong. But a dirty crack is the same anywhere I see it: gross.
I suppose the sounds aren't too bad, that is until a sneaky queef escapes or bellies slap together just a little too hard. I giggle a bit during those moments.
The physical sensation of touch is nice, unless my nipples are grazed; I tell ya, I just do not get nipples, they confuse the heck out of me.
Hair gets in mouths, body fluids get on the bed, sometimes we just aren't into it, and sometimes a snuggle is all we need.
You know what, though. Sex is beautiful and fun, so long as everyone consents. There are a lot of feelings that I can express only during sex. Words that cannot be expressed through language, emotions that can only be felt during the chemical throws our brains go through during sex, and I have never felt closer to my significant other than at those times.
So much that I wish I knew how it could be said is expressed during those moments.
Sex is so much more than a climax. It's a longing, a build up, a giggle, a tickle, a rush of excitement, and a sigh of contentedness.
It is resting in the arms of someone you can trust and feel safe with. It is one of the many ways to express our internal desire to be loved and to love.
Just don't touch my nipples.