Dillema of a 20ish
After graduating, I thought I had life figured out because life feels like a ladder- after you have reached this step then you proceed on the next one. Well, I did not expect that the "spaces between" those ladders will be a long, confusing journey.
College was hard but one thing that is different from the life after it is that you have a clear, end goal: graduating. You have something to hold on to and you are sure that you want to reach that no matter how long it takes. But what after that? What should you do next?
Being in the house for so long and having silent moments at midnight made me think of so many things. Should I just go with the flow or try something new while I still can? FYI, I don't like my college course so much as I am supposed to. I guess I realized what I really want to be later in life, but I also don't want my course to be wasted. So I am now confused if I should just continue looking for jobs related to my course or pursue the things that I really love?
For all of us who is confused on what path to take and afraid of what will we become as we grow old, cheers to us. This will bother us the moment we wake up, in between small and silent moments, and maybe before we go to sleep, but I think this is normal. We can be lost and unsure, but we will get there. We will find where we truly belong... and we will know it.
Overthinker and ambitious,