what is writing, to you?
i know this challenge has been done before BUT i would like to put a different spin on it. i'll write the first entry to give you an idea, but i'd like to you make me feel the desperation you do - or, lack thereof - when you *NEED* to write. when you need to say something and say it now. also, please tag me, @Sadwinistic!!!!! thank you:D winner is the one who makes me feel the most:P (not myself, btw, bc that does not seem fair at all)
I'm not one to run away,
and I'm not one to try and hide.
I'm not intending to make a break
and fuel my coward side.
There's nothing that could give me
an excuse or make the case
that writing is a way to break-
away from all the strain.
I'm not hurt-necessarily.
I don't cry-regularly.
But what I do
is attempt to
find a reason you should stay.
Maybe that's cocky,
but there's too much going on
in the world to pretend
it doesn't matter, 'cause that's wrong.
Writing is a way to introduce a new perspective.
To switch and skew our point of view
should be a writer's main objective.
There's so much that we know
(and even more that we don't)
so take your pens
create that lens
to rewrite this horror show.