Gorgeous Woman
Gorgeous woman, stuck in a cage. The only promise is the silence as she fades, wilting out of the spotlight. No one can bare to look at her once the moon meets the twilight.
Gorgeous woman, battered and broken. The world once seemed to her an unmarked token. Of what? You ask. "Of hope unafraid". Soon to be marked by the darkness she craves.
Gorgeous woman, knife in her hand. Doesn't understand the next part of god's plan. She crumples into the corner and prays. Can't stop praying tomorrow away.
Gorgeous woman, wiping her tears. Gathering strength and resilience beyond her years. Lightly dusts her fingers across the shiny surface, hoping this is the last time she's nervous.
Gorgeous woman, stars in her eyes. Knows that the end is behind this last sunrise. Swinging her arms over her head. Plunges a knife into a no-longer friend.
Gorgeous woman, blood all around. Can't think of another way out. Makes a phone call to no one to let them know, how to fair when letting her go.
Gorgeous women, one last time. Touches her face and let's go of her mind. Looks in the mirror, then swallows the pills. By the time they get to her, there's only the will.