La mort de la France
Upon a dream of peril I swiftly awoke, gasping for breath. It was midnight and the air was damp. The room I was set in slowly crept darker with the flicker of my last candle sitting upon the dresser. With the room now almost as black as a summers night I was awake and sitting up, I noticed a whim of light coming forth into the room. Through the window I felt the moonlight caress me and by instance gave me energy to protrude from the doorway of my room and make haste down the stairs into the tavern where we were soon to meet.
Finding my way into the tavern I found it to be desolate, nothing but a few men drunk and restless. Making my stance I surveyed the room only to notice my companion Claude. "Casmir, my friend; come hither!" Stepping only moments closer I presented myself. "Claude I understand our brothers are underway" I asked. "They are friend, I sent word and soon they shall appear." he replied.
Soon we would take back the city from our leaders, our corruptors -we had planned it and so shall the idea be executed by us. We we're merely men but by the severity of the idea we could righteously be doing the work of god himself. People were suffering and starving within the streets of Paris. We were the men to take it back, to claim what was ours before a desolation of our people.
A slight creak of wood was heard, the tavern door opening only to reveal three men in heavy clothing seemingly trying to mask themselves from the growing cold. Motioning them over as if to spare a word of our plan they took a seat at the table. As they sat down, there was a moment of silence and then a man spoke. "Messieurs it is necessary that our leaders must be requited for we can no longer continue, our resistance must prevail."
Reaching within the confines of my pockets, I grasped for what felt like my watch, I looked upon its face and as I gracefully put it back into my pocket, I read aloud "The time is past ten; soon everything will unfold and we must appear at the town centre by midnight tonight." As we all sat up there was a mixed shuffle of tables and chairs moving about. One after another we moved into the far reaches of the back end of the tavern where all but one room was available. The closer we moved onward to the back the closer a small sign on the very last door became visible reading "Entrée interdite."
Though not a soul was permitted entry, it was only to us that we knew why this room was never available. Cautiously and quietly I opened the door and down several steps did we all descend. The room was small, and it was a variant of the others. Looking around you would think that this room was nothing of importance except for the single use of storing items, which were not always needed. From the fact that no one was permitted it became the perfect setting for what most would never think to find a hidden tunnel lurking and leading beyond the foundation of the tavern housing.
These hidden tunnels were promiscuously dug out many years ago for the sole purpose of pertaining to the overflow of bodies from the famine, covered and left behind these catacombs had been revived once more to send us onward toward an exit to the outside with others having no knowledge of future plans. As we walked through these tunnels we shuddered to think of the revolting scent that purged the halls of these freshly made catacombs. Though many were new; there had also been cracked and destroyed bones from the battle of Verdun in 1792.
The closer that we moved towards the end the closer we could see the moonlight showing itself on the floor. One by one we helped each other move out of the catacombs and one by one we found ourselves not far from the tavern though surrounded by bushes, we were now on the edge of town. I gathered the attention of all men out and open; "Marquis it is best if we find shelter and prepare ourselves for the storming of Toularis palace; Casmir and I can gather everything as you assemble our plan of action."
"You may be right, my Chateau is near and it is there that we can proceed." Pierre retorted.
"And what is it that we are to do?"
"We must gather our provisions and support. We will not go quietly my friend."
"Then we must advance." Claude replied as he readied his Flintlock.
Our path was shown before us as a small trail made by many boots and marching from long ago. Soon our trail turned into the cold cobblestone street that we were so familiar with. Covered in filth and desperation a small group of children ran past us, uncaring and unknowing; simply playing with others and enjoying being alive without even a notion of understanding the world around them. This was a small reminder that it had been up to us to repair the world and make everything right for them, that this is to remain a reminder and a part of the history of our people.
At the same time we had arrived at Pierre's abode and entered through the front door. It was a humble home, nothing extraordinary but still elegant and dexterous. The front room was nicely shown with a collaboration of selected artworks and tapestry along the walls collected over the years from many adventures across the plains. A center table was placed in the middle of the room to present a centerpiece holding nothing but a vase with a single bouquet of Winter bee Lavender. Going into the next room to we made our way to the large main table that held a map of the city and several candelabras next to a couple of chairs centered in front of the lit fireplace.
Surrounding the table Pierre and his companions reached for the map along with pen and ink as well as a few instruments. "Where shall we find what we need Pierre?" I asked suddenly as they paced back and forth minding their preparations. "The very first floor upon the second level will provide you with all you may need Casmir." Pierre stated swiftly. Although Pierre was well to do it was perhaps only by way of a small farm that he tended to over the years. As we ascended towards the top of the stairs what was to be seen was quite the spectacle. Gaining entry to the room we found it to be simple, organized and serene.
The windowsills were laced with fine drapery as the windows presented a scene looking out into the outlying woods. Along this foremost wall was a selection of bookshelves containing a small selection of books and maps, following this against an adjacent wall was a pristine set of armor passed down through the Montblonc family line for generations. Next to this family heirloom on either side was a large wooden box lined with felt and they both contained rapiers, flintlocks and blunderbuss'. Opening up the cases and grabbing what they could, Claude and I made our exit heading for the stairs and descending into the main quarters.
"Of course we could storm them, it's unexpected." One man said. "Going thru the main entrance is death itself!" the other retorted. "Only unto them would the suspect anything but the front door." I replied. "I would have to agree with Casmir." Pierre stated loudly as he hastily grabbed his things ready to set off in a hurry. "It is our duty to involve the people." I said as I handed out supplies. Claude stepped forward "Let us part ways and meet in the middle of town. We will rally them all, let us all become one in this horrid and devastating time; let us march and lead on to progress."
With our shared ideas put into place we reached for lanterns and shoved off. Moving onward we proceeded to leave, leaving no time for opposition. As we left Pierre's chateau several horses were rustling around, fidgeting and moving about as they do. "Prior to your absence I thought we required transportation." Marquis shared. "The town centre is a great distance away and traveling by foot is no easy task, let alone quick." Placing a foothold I took my place upon the steed as the rest followed galloping like madmen all the while the sound of horseshoes grazed the cobblestone streets violently cracking with every advance.
"My friends and family, my brothers and sisters, let us march into town for honor and glory!" I shouted as we rode through town. Almost as quickly as we set atop our horses did we find ourselves in the center of town. Coming forth into town it was silent and the rushing sound of us intruding welcomed the opening of windows and doors to take a gander at all the noise and commotion . Many were wondering why so many had brought them to the middle of town for what appeared to be a mass confusion.
"Our time is here!....our revolt is over. Together we can take back what is ours and make it right...for who are we but our own saviors! Many of us are dying in the streets because of them, and it musn't happen any longer. So join me in seizing control, seizing it all! Taking it back for us, and for our children! Let us advance for all that is great and wonderful and holy and what is right! Come with me and let us take it back!"
While everyone gathered closer with pitchforks, torches and rifles we advanced towards Toularis palace. There was only one option left, and that was to create an end for it all. With the fury of all, we ran and charged the entrance- throwing the doors open. Fearful and discouraged, guards were called to protect the royal family as they shouted out. By power of frenzy all whom were concerned by the sudden events ran further within the palace rioting and providing chaos as we searched room by room for the royal family. The first shot rang out and with it, an explosion; fire raining across the walls.
In absolute madness men were fighting guards and women were divesting of anything rich and wholesome. In this reign of terror it seemed all was prevailing, good and evil; all was coming together as one in a mass excursion. What an entertaining idea it was that the idea of a raid had quite possibly never crossed their minds. Moving from one room to the next we pursued our ambitions, causing destruction with every path we took. Rushing to the front lines of the mutiny the Gendarmerie stood guard against our gathered rebellion, drawing our weapons we charged at each other like starving wolves to prey.
Gunpowder and sparks filled the air with the ignition of our flintlocks and swords striking together. Prancing to and fro Pierre stood strong striking across and knocking back his opponent, in all the confusion I gazed through the smoke looking for mine. In the distance struggling to hold off several guards Claude was slowly retreating backwards into a safe position. Walking forward in strides I fired, killing a guard while the other looked in my direction ready to attack, seizing his chance Claude raised his rapier and struck his across his chest revealing only blood and death.
The last few guards fearing for what was left of their lives attempted to flee beyond the riots before they succumbed to them and were beaten to death. We continued onward as much could before spotting a lone child that looked disoriented in the middle of it all, swiftly I pushed him aside as to spare his life before he was surely trampled over. "Child why are you here?" it isn't safe." I asked. "I was looking for my mother, I can't find her" He stated "What is your name?" "I was born Louie by my parents." he replied. Providing him with a candle he sat quietly in an armoire as I closed the door slightly.
From afar a woman ran into a room at the end of the hall as a man took chase after her grabbing on her holding on as much he could while she kicked him off shouting "You will not get my king!" "That sounded like the queen!" Marquis stated. "We have found them." Quickly he ran charging to stop her from closing the only entry to their room. Reaching for his sword he slashed towards the door handle, slicing apart her hand from the rest of her body while she screamed out.
As she fell back we all made it our objective to get to Marquis before they could retaliate upon him while he was alone. We brushed open the door, everyone cowering trying to stay hidden from their future captors or murderers. Almost as quickly as we opened the door did King Louie raise his weapon trying to fire, the cocking mechanism became stuck and would not fire. Revealing mine I shot out hitting him in the hand making his weapons useless to him with no hand to defend himself. Out of the corner of his eye Marie grabbed her husband's sword and dashed for Marquis, raising his arms above him he defended himself while she cut into his forearm, blood trailing down his arm changing the color of his shirt.
Trying her best to pry it from being stuck Claude shot her in the stomach. pacing backward she fell next to her king who passed out from loss of blood. They were defeated and stumbling to retreat back. Come at with resistance, she attempted to plead for her life and her families. No caution was held for her as we stepped closer feeling only our hunger, "You never had a chance for freedom." Pierre stated as we surrounded them and like wolves we took to our prey with only thoughts of filling our bellies once and for all...