Rain is so versatile. It’s a simple concept. I mean, I learned the water cycle in 5th grade. But I never really appreciated the rain. Depending on my mood, the way I perceive it changes. Every time it rains, there is a different symbol that comes with it. I remember I went to a funeral a couple of years ago and it was raining. At that point in my life, the rain obviously represented sadness. After the funeral, I began to notice that in every TV show and movie I would watch, it would always rain when there was a funeral. But rain doesn’t only represent sadness and grief. I recall one day when I was sitting in my room and I began to hear the light patter of rain on my window sill. Instead of acting frustrated, I ran downstairs, grabbing my speaker, and pushed shuffle on my favorite playlist. I sprinted outside into the middle of the road and danced around. For once in my life, I didn’t care about the consequences. I just danced and sang and spun around wildly. I felt every droplet of rain hit my skin and I enjoyed every second of it. I believe that rain is a form of rebirth in a way. It’s a pure cleanse. At a funeral, I consider rain to be a different type of cleansing, more of an acceptance. But I believe the most intriguing thing about rain is the fact that everyone understands it differently.