Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Less, by Andrew Sean Greer
Less is a satirical comedy by an American author. It follows writer Arthur Less while he travels the world on a literary tour, and I think it is so very ingenious. I love the playfulness of the author's writing! It made me laugh out loud so often! Yet it was not only funny, but also very poignant at times throughout.
Having traveled abroad myself, I felt I could commiserate with Arthur Less in some ways. There was such depth of emotion in this awesome novel, as well as many unusual twists and analogies in the descriptions of everyday occurrences.
Here is a quote that I may not have verbatim, but hopefully have captured its essence: "Life often happens all of a sudden, and who knows which side of the fence you'll be on?" It is referencing the overnight erection of the Berlin Wall in '61. Now we're coming up on the anniversary of the pandemic's impact on the people in the US. I guess we all have in some way or other had to deal with this happenstance, the virus, that nobody had predicted with any degree of certainty. Read Less, if you think it will be your cup of tea!