a girl and her dog
Testing, testing 123.
I stand before the galaxy.
Speaking softly to stars unseen.
Hidden behind blankets
of pollution,
of contrails
and a ceiling of
shiv'ring leaves.
Testing, testing 123.
We’re alone so I can sing.
My voice can tread air with
silken care and wrap you
with its being.
Testing, testing 123.
We need no mic to just be.
I hum soft into your fur,
as you lean soft into me.
Testing, testing 123.
We’re older, but we’ve aged
A constant source of
company, when
the world goes silent.
All that violence on the
news projecting a
social scream,
disarray a normal
But we’re
beyond its grip now.
We make our own
Shadows chased far away.
Worldly pressures now
Testing, testing 123.
In your eyes my eyes
we see.
No nervousness or
apprehension, no hatred or
Just you.
Just me.