Pen to the Paper 6: The Announcement
Carly fixed my bowtie. "You good? You seem a little distant."
"I'll be fine when I get out there," I replied.
"Well, they're waiting for you," she said, standing on her toes and giving me a kiss. "Go break a leg."
I left the dressing room and headed for the stage. Everything was quiet. The stage was dark.
A cloud that glowed blue appeared on stage. Lasers shot through it, dazzlingly dancing through the dust.
I walked through, my hair slowly becoming peppered in blue. "Evening, fellas and… fellettes. Welcome to Pen to the Paper Six's announcement! We had some good ones…
"In third place, we have fudo's 'hot sauce over dried pork.' I loved the rhyme schemes. It was great.
"In second, we have Danceinsilence's 'Which Way to Go.' Chilling, intriguing, well-written, and creative only scratch the surface of why this made second place.
"In first we have an entry that I believe is very, very, underrated. Whisperer's 'The Seasons Personified' was masterfully crafted and it shows her incredible ability to personify inanimate objects/abstract ideas.
"An honorable mention is 'I hate summer' by crazyquiller. You made me laugh.
"GLD's post, 'Never Saw It Coming' was a beautiful read. I'm always looking forward to your posts.
"And, finally, blobfish's 'Clock' was an interesting read that I enjoyed from the beginning.
"Thank you, everyone, for entering! And congratulations to our winners!"