Smile to sorry
Merry to misery
Everything has changed
Serenity sweeping in my backyard,
I remember my Payal fluttering to the porch, matching to the beats of the wind
I’m glad to find the reminisce of the smell of betrayal
Crushed to every rust on my childhood swing,
Whispers of birds on slow purple camelia dawn, faded
Renewed to cries.
Childhood is a fragile time,
I wished to sing every song I wrote, relish every curve of the imperfect line
From nursery rhymes to spoken words,
From bedtime stories to chasing deadlines due midnights
Times have changed
But a part of me is the same
When I committed a mistake
I repented, regret, repeat, regret,
Because of the look in your eyes, created craters in my heart,
Now sins have drowned in the pearly sky,
Amber dust pulls down tears from my lachrymal glands
Is it an allergy or the fear of truth?
Neighbors play games late at night, eavesdropping
The cacophonous sounds from the next door,
Makes me feel like time travel,
An escape from anxiety which took my sleep a hostage
I remember the time we spent together,
Board games, warm milk,
In steel glass, you loved your Tupperware so much.
Cadbury dairy milk silk,
I miss cliche’s from dull stories, your lovely glory
Now the book of you and I, have another plot twist,
I lay on the concrete floor, desperately waiting for a hand to pick me up.
I wish you understood,
I am the protagonist of my life, not a remote control.
Everything has changed
Small talk to silence
Meters to miles