Pen to the Paper 7
Write with absolutely no plan whatsoever. It can be a story, a poem, or anything else: it truly doesn't matter. You don't have to use your first draft: do as many drafts as you see fit. Remember to have fun!
A hidden river,
Flows through the grove of willows,
Old branches draping down,
Under the crumbling stone bridge,
That long ago,
Saw many carriages safely over the rushing waters,
But now,
Too unsturdy for cars,
To low for boats,
A path that is no longer used,
A river that gives no more,
Used to be a grand old time,
Used to be the life of the day,
But blondes in pink dresses,
No longer come,
Boys with fishing poles and caps ,
No longer come,
Mothers with picnic baskets and crying babies
No longer come,
Fathers with crates of beer and friends,
No longer come,
The green beside the river,
Once more.