Writers’ Block is my Homie
The scene opens in a ladies restroom at the mall,
(Bear with me, this might get a bit weird .)
A high pitched squeal with a triumphant shriek,
There's a woman who has started to cheer.
30 pounds ago since she last wore that skirt.
A huge grin says she's happy to be alive.
Now moonwalking her way across the tile,
As she passes, she gives us all a high-five.
"What's going on?" Someone asks "Are you okay?"
"Hell yes!!" She screams "I started!!"
And now I get that gleeful look on her face,
like a 10 year old boy who just farted.
I've slipped up myself, it was always a relief
Accidental babies, I prefer to avoid.
Responsible women who keep track those things
Never see Aunt Flo and become overjoyed.
I'm a weird one I guess, I like my Aunt Flo,
And I like Writers Block, they're dating.
He's fat and he smells weird, and ate all my food,
Without a doubt he's super-irritating.
It sounds like I should hate him. Most people do.
But I've uncovered an important connection.
Writers Block only visits when I'm happy & content,
He leaves when my mood changes direction.
That's why I write the way I do,
always dark and depressing and fearful.
But I swear there are times when I'm funny & light,
I just get Blocked on those days that I'm cheerful.