For Life
I'm not fully sure what began my writing career all those years ago, fourth grade, but I think it was my amazing teacher, she is the best one I have ever had, and the fact that it was the year I started being able to delve deeper into books. I was now able to read chapter books with dozens of chapters, and deep concepts. Therefore my imagination grew and grew, until it started to grow into characters who needed a place to live and be free. Those rejected or those who were suffering could find a way to begin anew. From there it turned into writing. Some add ons to favorite books, some completely new. Over the years writing has turned, not only, into a way to create something new, but to support me when I have a bad day or wan't to get my feelings out, but they get stuck inside.
When someone says they don't like my writing, it just means I want to make it better, to show them I am better than them and can do it. I'm very competitive. And I suppose I think that in my head I'm better than most writers, mainly because my imagination is so wide. (No offence to anyone)
Since the question is why do I keep writing, I suppose it is mainly because I want books and series to go on. When I finish a book and I get that feeling that I need more, I can just write it. Or even because of the books I read. I may read one book and it gives me the idea to start a story. So I start a story, but then I get a new idea, and I start a story on that. Which means I never get bored, and it never gets dull.
Since I found prose a few months ago, I now have another reason to continue. The dream I've always had of other people seeing my writing besides close friends and family, can now come true. It also makes the path to becoming an author more clear.
For those interested in some of my stories, check my profile, you will be able to find one about a horse named Hawk, and one called "The Return Of Silvia," Which is the book I'm currently working on. If you want to see even more, just let me know, one of these days you might see some more of my older work appearing. :)