The Good, the Bad and the Dumb
Was it good luck that got me out of that ticket?
Bad luck when traffic's slow but I'm in a hurry?
Dumb luck that no one got hurt when I ran that red light?
Why would luck give a flying fuck about traffic worries?
Was it good luck when I first met my husband?
Was it bad luck I thought my son needed a father?
Was it dumb luck that I grew tired of being abused?
Where love's concerned, why would luck even bother?
Was it good luck that you were there when I was lonely?
Was it bad luck we got drunk and reckless that night?
Was it dumb luck we both have a weakness for whiskey?
Luck of the Irish, at least until dawn's harsh light?
Was it good luck that I fell in love with you?
Did bad luck show up just to make my marriage fail?
Did dumb luck give me the courage to finally leave?
Was it luck of the draw, when my life became a fire sale?
Should we thank our lucky stars when life is good?
Should we curse our rotten luck when life sucks?
No, we reap what we sow and life reflects our choices,
except for random twists of fate that we call Luck.