Some of the most famous bands of all time are classified as pop.
Michael Jackson
Beach Boys
Even if some of them are not my cup of tea, I would not say that they are untalented or lyrically challenged. Even today's pop artists have talent (well at least some of them for I cannot defend the over auto-tuned; have two repetitive lines to a song). But I think we are selling the artist short if we cannot see the difficulties of being able to create a catchy song that makes people want to dance or sing or jump off a bridge. Pop music sticks in your head for a reason, it is catchy. You may hate it at first but by the fifth or sixth time listening you are singing and dancing along. I think it is incredible for anyone to be able to stand in front of a crowd of people and sing (or lip-sync) while dancing all around. Even if it was a team of writers who wrote it for you. God knows that even with auto-tune and writers I could not sing a pop song to save my life. So I say kudos to those who can make a fortune (for their record label) and make people smile and dance.