pantun poem <3
pantoum/ pantun, a Malaysian form of a folk poem (you basically repeat a lot of lines)
1 First line
2 Second line
3 Third line
4 Fourth line
5 Repeat second line
6 Sixth line
7 Repeat fourth line
8 Eighth line
9 Repeat sixth line
10 Tenth line
11 Repeat eighth line
12 Twelfth line
13 Repeat tenth line
14 Fourteenth line
15 Repeat twelfth line
16 Repeat first line
There Once Was A Man
There once was a man
Slowly breathing, fading
His last seconds have arrived
He lies there, alone
Slowly breathing, fading
While waiting for his loved ones to come
He lies there, alone
Remembering all the things he had done
While waiting for his loved ones to come
He stares blankly at the white walls
Remembering all the things he had done
He feels some regret, he has nothing to do now
He stares blankly at the white walls
He closes his eyes
He feels some regret, he has nothing to do now
There once was a man.