A timeless dream has teased my heart throughout my lifetime.
A beautiful man with deep, warm eyes the color of the earth,
A beautiful mane of coal black hair flowing in the wind,
With beautiful golden skin reflecting the energy he holds inside.
When I would encounter this man there was a knowing.
We were connected on a soul level as if we were meeting again; not for the first time.
A complete love connection through out our hearts and entire bodies was felt.
With every dream I would look into his eyes and drift away with him.
His voice was that of an angel as he sang to my soul.
His skin touching mine would ignite in me an eternal fire, starting an exotic magical desire.
When I was with him, I felt peace and freedom.
We would dance on the clouds and ride the waves of the great waters.
We would share in every beautiful experience in this physical plane.
But when I would ask him when we will meet, he would say “when you are ready”.
I never seemed to know when that was, till now.
I realize now we had to be on the same frequency to vibrate together.
I realize now that my twin soul has always been with me; we just now came together in the physical plane.
For how long, I do not know, but I will love the entire journey.
A journey of discovering each other in this lifetime while still feeling the eternal flame.