Luck proves individuality and self.
"I think therefore I am."
Wait, no ...
That's not right.
My ability to think, dream, hope, love, and hate cannot prove reality. My thoughts and emotions could not be my own -- controlled by an alien species or created by a bored deity. I'll never really know for certain.
But luck. What is luck?
It is preferential,
But most importantly, luck is independent of oneself. I cannot control luck. Luck just happens. It's when there is a sunny day on your wedding, when rain was predicted to happen for weeks.
Luck is when you find that parking spot close to the store and in the shade, get that free coffee on the way to work, or find twenty bucks in a coat pocket ...
Luck is when your family walks away from thatÂ
devastating car accident without injury.
Luck is not always fair. Some people get more of it than others. Some are never lucky at all. But without luck, we could not prove that you and I are here right now -- breathing the air, reading words, and speaking to people day in and day out.
Luck can prove that you are here right now and that you are an independent and unique being.
Now good luck proving the reality you experience is real.