To Be a Dancing Leaf
A mystery comes to me on an early Sunday and greets me, as so many of my feathering dreams open and close like songs that are swaying in the wind. And, even though an answer isn't in the music ruse itself, the morning plays like an instrument that teaches me serenity. I am a falling leaf and all of the dancing notes are astounding to natures ears.
The unwavering grace of mystery's life sweet speaking voice wraps around the sentiments of autumn and the spirit of rhapsody surrounds me. Yet, I am merely the rosette of a tree that was planted for the touch of the sky to water and nourish.
But I am also like a poetess of the dandelion greens and the dream filled twirlers that have circled around and through the world. If every leaf were a picture of a woman's wandering thoughts, my only natural purpose would be to color her imagination.
The mystery informs me that it isn't a perplex riddle to rise with the dawn and appreciate the simple things. If only for a moment, I can place myself with the most delicate waltz of nature and any falling that I do will find the balance. And so, just for today, I choose to be a dancing leaf in the gentle wind.