From the beginning to the distant end
A spectrum of deep, rich, earthy brown to swirling dust
And in between you grow, reaching high to a burning red sky
Starting from beneath the ground defying harsh conditions
Tearing through the earth to reach with long green claws
Crawling through the brush with sneaky green vines
And devouring with green envy whatever lies in your path
Leaving only green in your wake
Stone crushing green
Green falling from the sky
Rotting in plastic containers
Being trimmed and restrained
And now she will fight because green is anger and green is right
Where flat gray concrete once was, now green fury has spread
Spreading up and across the pavement with strong roots holding steady
beneath....beneath, beneath, but not for long no! Up rises green bringing with it
Yellow dandelions and future poofy wishes rooted with green stems
What Earth's children have built, becoming unmade as Mother rises up
The war fought with stone and earth, as green spills over the battlefield
And flowers bloom and fruits fall, spoils of a battle in an ever constant war