Do you remember when we first met?
Write about the time you met someone very important to you.
11:34 am
My body was sore. I had never been so tired in my entire life.
I felt a rush of emotions wash over my body as I laid my eyes on you for the first time. Happiness, joy, disbelief.
Tears began streaming down my face and I couldn't find words to leave my mouth as the doctors handed you to me.
I held your small, fragile, crying body against my chest as tight as I could.
I instantly knew what the definition of "love" was.
Never in my life did I believe in love at first sight, not until I first saw you. You were more than perfect, more than anything I ever could have dreamed of in my wildest dreams.
In that moment, 11:34 am, not one other thing in the world mattered to me besides you.