"You keep on expecting all this great stuff from me, mother, but I'm just me! You can't expect anything more than that! I don't care what my brothers did! Can't you just let me be me?" She finally admits to her mother, solemnly stating the truth she has hidden for years that she has been to afraid to speak.
"I always knew you had a crush on her. I just held out hope that you would return to me. But you broke my heart. So, I'm sorry. Sorry I ever trusted you." She silently texts to the boy that broke her heart, finally being brave enough to speak her mind.
"I don't care that you think I'm pretty. It doesn't matter that I know it's not true. It matters that you're teaching young girls that appearances are the only thing that matter." She blurts out one day, at last letting people know her thoughts.
You see, the opposite of me is someone who speaks their thoughts without regard for what people will think. I am a coward. But I will be cowardly no more. One day, alas, I will speak.