Rip It Off
Is there a bandaid out there
That fixes bleeding hearts?
Not one that simply aches
Or is a tad bad, a tad sad,
I need one large enough
For a massive, raw ripping
Of my major organ.
You know when you’re a kid
Your mom could slap a sticker
On a scratch and you were better in
Minutes but tell me how long I’ll
Feel as if the core of my being
Has been dug out with rusted nails
And it gushes with gaslighting
And oozes with broken promises.
Tell me is there a bandage to
Patch up the decimated pieces
Of my arteries cut back to old wounds
And the charred chambers that
Now seep with the thick blood
Of my old trauma that is spilled
Now everywhere everywhere everywhere
Tell me, sweetheart, is there a bandaid
To fix what you’ve done to me?