You Don’t Want To Die Right?
If Donald Trump becomes president, many countries that are already on the verge of declaring war against the U.S. would do so. If Donald Trump says the wrong words, like he has several times in his interviews, to the wrong person, such as Kim Jong-un. America could be looking at war with Cuba, North Korea, and other countries that America has bad relations with. Donald trump could also ruin good relations with countries, such as Canada, France, and the United Kingdom.
With his words being able to cause more wars, he's putting many American lives at risk. By having the American Military fighting those battles. Just by the words that come out of his mouth, be could hurt many american lives.
In those wars, Donald Trump also wouldn't make great discussion with the wars we are involved in, in Afghanistan and Iran. He would make hasty calls, putting several of our troops in trouble. Donald Trump doesn't know the first thing about making calls that have to do with several thousands of American lives. So why put him in charge of our military