Challenge Ended
Describe the colors of Fall
As the season's change please take a moment to look outside and put into words what you're enjoying most now or looking forward to in the future :)
Ended November 1, 2021 • 12 Entries • Created by Ln17
Driving down a dark road
in the utter darkness of November
where the nights begin to eat the days
and swallow them whole
like the Monsters of my youth; in a book I once read
we'll eat you up; we love you so!
The sky's an eternal slate gray and the air smells of burning
leaves, heat, furnaces, houses as bears lumber to their caves for the winter
As the mist creeps, sheathes the hill in fog
a few brilliant colors peak
from the blanketing abyss
a touch of vermilion, catches, the eye almost seems like the sun's departing shade
it's last hurrah
before everything collapses into the dark
and the Night eats the days