cite your sources.
I spent years in a classroom
learning how to pretend my thoughts were someone else's
learning how to quote Plato instead of
that one time i spent too long looking at the sunrise and suddenly the whole world made sense
learning how to trim ideas down,
too big to cram into textbook margins or 12 pt times new roman (double spaced).
i shoved ideas too huge for the open sky
into 800 words, 3 pages single sided
and i learned to pretend like what i was saying still mattered.
tell the story of the whole world
in ten minutes
anything over 9 minutes 59 seconds doesn't count.
you are only worth how quickly you can talk
before losing your breath
how many words in the lines
artful cursive, before your hands start to cramp and the clock runs out
and anything you had left to say fades out of existence
as if it had no value outside an A4 page, college ruled and stained with expectation