No pain worth gaining from.
To have loved then lost, when every odd was in favour of succession rather then seen as an undesirable pain-staking detention that overshadows firstly before resorting to applicably forcing itself onto a sad soul repeatedly for the prevention of joyous occasions, purpose driven happines, all findings that accumilated as collections attainable from specific walks of life, frames of mind, points of order all over where it was even then permissable a find to have found on the face of a stranger who stairs without making a sound, sight for sore eye relations, as a dismissable occurance. Easily alongside all necessary relevant positive vibrations is it thought to through simultaneous existence put up a resistance pushing aside all need for mutual insistence giving way to isolated instances which overbears as burdens housing itself perminently. There's no time to reminisce about happy go lucky reasons of past tense cases which would otherwise be places to hopefully dismiss the punishment, the anguish of being a sad lonely, insignificant other. To despise having ever been a love comes naturally when this pain claims & drains a being who cannot shake the feeling of a heart screaming for a means to an end. That selection unchosen, assigning itself control over every fibre of the unfortunate casualty as a force to reckon with continuously beating the one who seeks a way out but finds none repeatedly subjects painfully to an assualt equivlent to that of a chastising. If it hadn't been this way, the otherwise free to roam about leisurely charecter, would seek to provisionally have sought out only peace love & happiness effortlessly. The effective kiss of death doubling up as a blow hinting to clutching at the jugular restricts whatever the term power would normally convict someone other to beleive it to be. Hostile intent issues unending caution to the wind, a tensing of ambience, the aroma now fitting for a loner who's stronghold was once a fortress, a refuge for means to defence when rendering all negativity effectiveless, untill loosing a companion came into the picture, flipping the script completely.